Prostrate Problems - What You Don't Know About The The Prostate Gland Could Kill You
Most of us carry this thought process into adulthood and feel by showing concern for our health, it will be seen as a male weakness. I am guilty of that myself.
I know when my prostate troubles began, I knew absolutely nothing about the prostate. I was one of the 96%. Mainly because it didn't cross my mind that I'd ever have any problems.
In addition, the prostate is in a "private" area, and it wasn't something I wanted to examine. Many people, including myself, feel uncomfortable talking about the prostate, since the gland plays a role in both sex and urination.
I have had prostate troubles, survived a cancer scare and watched my sister die from Cancer. Believe me, when I say that when you think you are going to die, it concentrates your mind on what is really important. Suddenly your priorities get focused.
Due to my prostate troubles, I became interested in learning about the prostate and how it affected my health.
I cried the day they took a biopsy and I cried with relief the day I was told it was benign. I cried many times as I watched my sister die.
I got so frustrated having to get up every night 3-4 times due to my prostate troubles and then finding I couldn't get back to sleep.
What is prostate cancer?
Prostate Cancer develops by the growth of cancerous cells within the prostate gland. Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells that make up the prostate gland escape from the normal controls on their growth and start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontrolled manner. In its advanced form, it can produce the same symptoms as BPH. (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
Warning Signs
Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. When symptoms of prostate cancer do occur, they may include some of the following problems:
A need to urinate frequently, especially at night; Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine; Inability to urinate; Weak or interrupted flow of urine; Painful or burning urination; Painful ejaculation; Blood in urine or semen; and/or Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.
Any of these symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other, less serious health problems, such as BPH or an infection (Prostatitis). Only a doctor can tell the cause. A man who has symptoms like these should see his family doctor . Do not wait to feel pain; early prostate cancer does not cause pain.
These are two other main prostate problems
1) BPH - (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is the abnormal growth of benign prostate cells. In an enlarged prostate , the prostate grows larger and pushes against the urethra and bladder, blocking the normal flow of urine. BPH is often the result of prostatitis.
2) Prostatitis refers to prostate inflammation and infection, which can be brief or long-lasting, mild or severe symptoms can include frequent, urgent and painful urination, erectile problems or pain >during ejaculation.
Prostatitis is rampant in the US, affecting at least 80% of American men. Most is without major symptoms. Prostate enlargement, called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is often the result of prostatitis.
Treatment for Prostate Cancer
The treatment given for prostate cancer depends on how advanced or widespread the disease is. If the cancer is small and only present within the prostate gland, it is possible to treat it with
surgery (radical prostatectomy) radiotherapy (either external beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy) hormone therapy
I sincerely hope that this article can be of use to you, your partner, someone in your family or indeed a close friend.
Health to me is both physical and mental. The two cannot be separated. May I leave you with what I regard the finest bits of advice for life
If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me." Ann Landers
I wish you perfect health and piece of mind in all that you do.
About the Author
John Ward What You Don't Know About The Health Of Your Prostate Could Kill You. So Make sure to visit Prostate Health News for valuable information on the Health of Your prostate. Go Now To: http://www.prostatehealthnews.org/
Is Lack of Good Sex the Cause for the Rising Rate of Prostate Cancer
What are the benefits of doing this massage. The internal massage is by far the best massage for deep long term benefits. Prostate massage has since long been used as a means of maintaining prostate health, and to promote increased sexual health. Additional benefits of prostate massage include: creating positive energy, burning calories, reducing tension, and eliminating negative emotions like guilt and anger. However, most importantly, it is believed that regular prostate massage can provide numerous benefits like preventing prostate cancer and other prostate problems.
Prostate massage is considered a healthy activity for all men who are not experiencing severe symptoms of a prostate condition and is once again becoming more widely recommended as researchers discover that prostate massage complements and increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, antimicrobials or herbal remedies by facilitating circulation to the prostate gland.
Today, it is fast becoming widely recommended, as prostate massage has been discovered to complement and enhance the effectiveness of antimicrobial, antibiotic and herbal remedies by facilitating prostate gland circulation.
Prostate massage is not recommended for men with prostate cancer, as you can cause the cancer to metastasize, or for men with a prostate infection, since the infection can spread. Even if you do not have any problems with your prostate yet, it is recommended that you do a massage once a month to prevent problems.
Therefore, the American Urological Association has recommended a yearly prostate examination for every man over age 40 and an immediate examination for any man who develops persistent urinary symptoms If your physician suspects that you have prostatitis or another prostate problem, he or she may refer you to a urologist (a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system) to confirm the diagnosis.
Pay attention to personal life, and cultivate good living habits to prevent excessive fatigue, flu prevention, cut tobacco, alcohol, spicy bogey stimulate diet. A healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards supporting lifelong prostate health. A diet rich in fiber and a clean colon will contribute enormously to a healthy prostate.
You can put a stop to this harmful prostate problem from occurring by merely adjusting the things you do today in your life will make a huge difference tomorrow like changing your diet and exercising to deal with enlarged prostate.Want to Read More...
About the Author
"If prostate cancer is an epidemic, then behind it is an epidemic of bad sex." -- Plato Rosinke
Paul Rodgers specialized in marketing online fitness, diets, health and beauty products and services. You are invited to visit Prostate MassageSubmitted by: Super Article Submitter
Defend your Manhood
Men are a little uncomfortable about their genitals. Girls in skirts and undies rock, but most guys wouldn't dare don a kilt. R-rated movies showcase female pink parts, but they cover Borat's phallus with a black rectangle. And while women have an entire area of medicine dedicated to the health of their private regions, if it wasn't for the hernia check, men would hardly drop in at the doc's office.
The result? When it comes to caring for some of our most critical equipment, the stuff we need to know, keeping our species going - we're virtually clueless. And that ain't good, because a lot can happen to a man's penis, testes and prostate: itchiness, infection, pain, bumps, sores, growths, rashes, burning, drooping, swelling, clogging and cancer.
If you're not paying attention, you can wind up sick, sterile or dead. With a little knowledge, you can head much of the bad stuff off at the pass. Start here. These scenarios may make you wince, but at least you'll know what to do when they happen to you.
There's an Agonizing Pain in my Scrotum
The Cause: Assuming you weren't just kicked there, one of your testes is probably twisted around something called the spermatic cord, cutting off the blood supply. This causes a sharp pain.
The Cure: Head to casualty. If it isn't treated within four hours, you can lose a testicle. The doctors at the hospital will do an ultrasound to assess whether your testicle and cord are indeed twisted. If that's the case, a urologist will be called to untangle things. Then he'll suture each testicle to the inside of your scrotum to prevent the tension from happening again.
There's a slightly less Agonizing Pain
The Cause: The coiled tube that carries sperm from your testes has probably become inflamed due to a bacterial infection. The most common culprits are gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, and in men over 40, a urinary tract infection that migrated. The testes themselves can also become inflamed.
The Cure: Don't just pop some aspirin and tough it out. If you don't treat it, the tubes can become scarred and blocked. You could become infertile. See your doctor who will prescribe some oral antibiotic to tackle the bacteria. Swelling and pain should begin to lessen within three days, but it could take months for all symptoms to subside.
I have Pain in my Penis, Testes and Lower Belly, and Down my Legs, and it Hurts when I Urinate or Ejaculate
The Cause: Chronic pelvic pain syndrome, usually resulting from an inflamed prostate gland. It's a collection of symptoms that originates from an injury, often an infection, and the problems come from how the body responds to that infection.
The Cure: Two thirds of men will get better with antibiotics in the early stages. For those whose inflammation persists beyond initial infection use herbal based bioflavonoid preparations, which reduce inflammation. Prescription agents that block an important receptor in the region also reduce pain and can improve urinary flow. Still other men suffer from nerve and muscle spasms, requiring muscle relaxants and physical therapy.
See a urologist, but you can help your cause by taking hot baths, avoiding alcohol, spicy foods and caffeine and using a doughnut shaped cushion when sitting for long periods of time.
It Feels like my Scrotum is a Bag of Worms, and my Goolies are Droopier than Sophia Loren's Bust Line
The Cause: Sometimes the valves inside the veins of the scrotum don't close properly, so blood pools and they swell. The resulting bundle of enlarged veins, or varicoceles, doesn't always hurt, but the extra blood warms the testes. This jeopardizes sperm production (which requires temps cooler than 37 degrees C) and causes the testes to hang away from the body. About 20% of men will experience a varicocele at some point.
The Cure: If you notice you have low hanging fruit, see a urologist who specializes in infertility. He or she can stop blood from pooling by tying off the veins or blocking them. Its minor outpatient surgery and you can have sex again in three weeks, although you should schedule a follow up semen analysis in three to four months. In 60% of infertile men, semen quality will improve after surgery. Even if you not trying to conceive, the problem should be corrected if it's painful or creates a size discrepancy between testes.
My Semen has a Reddish Tint, and it Drips out Rather than Shoots when I Ejaculate
The Cause: When infections begin to heal, scar tissue can form and create a blockage in the ejaculatory duct. It's like a 5 lane highway becoming a 2 lane highway. The red tint is blood from the initial infection. Your ejaculate volume may drop below the average of half a tablespoon and continue to dribble like a professional football player after you achieve orgasm.
The Cure: You can function with a dribbly ejaculate, but it's kind of a buzz kill. Fortunately, there's a surgical solution. The formal term is 'transurethral resection of the ejaculatory ducts', but it's simpler than it sounds. We just scrape out the scar tissue and that opens it all up. You can resume sexual activity within 7 - 10 days.
I'm 25 and in Great Shape, but I have Trouble Maintaining an Erection
The Cause: About 25% of erectile dysfunction cases are psychological, and it could be anything from relationship issues to performance anxiety. For example, a man may have a sexual experience after heavy drinking and fail to get it up. In subsequent sexual attempts without alcohol, he'll remember that episode, think something's wrong with him, and be unable to perform.
The Cure: Once physical factors have been ruled out, try seducing her after a romantic breakfast. Your testosterone levels peak around 7am, so your hormones, and your penis, will be at full attention then. In many cases, such as the aforementioned alcohol scenario, a pharmaceutical option can also offer a helping hand. A little added self confidence - such as receiving some extra lift from Viagra - goes a long way in this arena. If all else fails, seek counseling to address the underlying psychological issues.
I have a Itchy Red Rash in my Groin Area
The Cause: If it's on your thighs, it's often tinea cruris, a fungus that thrives in warm, moist environments like, gym shorts that haven't been washed since the Mandela presidency. If it's bright red and right on the penis, it may be a yeast infection, which can pass from women to men through unprotected sex.
The Cure: Prevention wise, shed damp gym clothes and shower immediately after exercise and dry the area thoroughly before dressing. For treatment, an over the counter medication like AF ointment can work wonders. Continue using it for 1 - 2 weeks after the rash is gone. For a yeast infection, try an over the counter antifungal cream, applying twice daily for a week. Don't treat either condition with hydrocortisone cream. By suppressing your immune system, hydrocortisone will actually make the fungus worse.
I have Cauliflower Shaped Growths on my Penis
You have genital human papillion virus, Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, syphillis, and molluscum. You haven't been wearing a condom, have you?
The Cures: We're not here to lecture you on STI's, but there are a few things you should know. First, if a person has an STI it increases the risk of getting HIV if you have sex with an HIV positive person, as usually these STI's result in defects in the epithelium (open wounds) through which the virus can pass. If you or your partner has a STI, it is important for both of you to receive treatment, to stop re-infection of one another.
There's a Bulge in my Groin, and it Hurts when I Bend Over or Cough
The Cause: You should have hired movers to lift that fridge. Inguinal hernias occur when part of the intestine protrudes through a congenitally weak abdominal wall. It's often associated with a major straining episode, but a simple sneeze can set it off.
The Cure: If it's small and doesn't bother you, no action is needed. If it's growing or painful, lying down with your pelvis higher than your head can reduce the discomfort, but ultimately you'll need surgery. This will come in the form of either a herniorrhaphy, in which the surgeon pushes the protruding intestine back into your abdomen and the edges of healthy tissue are sewn together, or the more modern hernioplasty, in which a piece of synthetic mesh is laparascopically inserted to cover the entire inguinal area. A surgeon will discuss and recommend the option best suited to repair your particular type of abdominal wall tear. You'll be back to work within a few days.
About the Author
Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at http://bodybuilding101.110mb.com.
Medicines that cause impotence
"Psychological causes of impotence usually develop as a result of some specific anxiety-producing event, as, for example, a recent heart attack, the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, loss of interest in one's long time sexual partner, depression, overwork, fatigue, business worries whatever. In these circumstances, counseling, reassurance, and review of sexual techniques and expectations may be helpful," revealed Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital - Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center in The Best Treatment.
"The important thing is not to assume that an episode of impotence means that you have a permanent problem and should expect it to happen again during the next sexual encounter. Because thought processes are so important in erection, such a negative assumption can, in some cases, bring the problem about. The best thing to do if you experience an episode of impotence is to forget it and expect a more successful experience at another time. Such an episode is not a lasting comment on a man's virility or masculinity," added Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.
It's also important to remember that not all bouts of impotence are psychological in origin. Physical problems account for a great number of cases. These include diabetes and vascular disease (the most common causes), surgery of the prostate gland for cancer or any major abdominal operation in which the blood supply or nerves in the area are damaged.
Impotence can also follow nerve injury associated with multiple sclerosis or a stroke, hormonal disorders, prostate infection, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. Other possible causes are structural abnormalities of the penis and circulatory problems that can interfere with blood flow to the penis.
"Previously, it was said that it was all psychological. But as diagnostic tests were developed, more often a physical cause was found such as nerve damage, arterial blockage, or fibrous tissue in the penis itself," revealed Dr. Edward John Keogh, medical director of the Reproductive Research Institute at Queen Elizabeth II Medical Center in Nedlands, Western Australia.
Sometimes, impotence can be a side effect of certain medicines. Over 2OO medications are known to cause impotence. These include antihypertensives, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and narcotics.
"Most medications which are used to control high blood pressure interfere with erectile function. But when as person has hypertension, how can he stop using the drug? When he stops the drug, he could have a stroke. If he changes his medication, who can tell whether or not it will produce impotence? How do you know the second drug isn't as harmful as the first? That's the dilemma of drug users," Keogh said.
"Medication is high on the list (of impotence). - My cardinal rule holds as true for impotence as it does for virtually every other symptom: When you wonder what's causing it, look into your medicine cabinet first. Except for antibiotics, almost any drug can render a man impotent," Rosenfeld said.
How is impotence treated? Find out in the third part of this series. If your partner has a diminished sex drive, help her recover with Fematril, a safe and natural female sexual enhancer that can stimulate your mind and body. For details, go to http://www.fematril.com/.
About the Author
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine http://www.HealthLinesNews.com.
Avoid Penis Enlargement Surgery with VigRX Natural Male Enhancement Pills
Male Enhancement Products
Male enhancement products are supplements designed to improve every aspect of a man's sexual function, performance and enjoyment. Most are natural herbal formulas that work to increase erection effectiveness and staying power, improve sexual health, reduce premature ejaculation, increase orgasm power, reduce recovery time, boost libido and restore youthful hormonal levels.
These supplements vary a great deal in their exact formulation and the way they are manufactured, but the high quality ones use time-tested herbals and centuries-old Chinese ingredients to create positive effects on the male reproductive system.
Unfortunately, the credibility of this industry has been hurt due to a lot of bad press caused by knock-off products. Although there are a lot of fake products out there, they can be avoided by educating yourself and careful shopping.
How do male enhancement products work?
Each supplement has its own precise amounts and combinations of ingredients, but for the sake of illustration, we'll look at the pioneer / leader of this industry, called VigRX. VigRX contains herbs from many parts of the world formulated into a blend that helps increase blood flow to the penis and testicles. The erectile tissues in the penis, called the corpora cavernosa, are responsible for creating an erection. The careful blend of natural ingredients in VigRX significantly impacts these tissues resulting in a stronger sex drive, a more sensitive, pleasurable experience and increased sexual ability.
How many pills should I take?
This varies from product to product depending on the ingredients, and the size of the supplement. Follow the manufacturer's directions. Don't assume that "more is better." Even though most formulations are safe, it's never wise to overdo dosages of the truly potent herbal ingredients. Although increasing dosage could become harmful, it usually results in product wastage as the excess supplement is excreted from the body unused.
Are there any side effects?
Although this may vary by product, most products are non-prescription formulas and are completely safe for you to use. If you have allergies, you should check the ingredients to make sure everything is appropriate for you.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor prior to using any of the products.
Who are good candidates for this kind of treatment?
All men who would like to strengthen, widen, and lengthen their erection and boost sexual pleasure with an herbal formula that really works. It is helpful to men who suffer from diminished sex drive, early ejaculation, weak or short-term erections, lack of pleasurable sensation and lack of overall confidence about their sexual selves. Although not all products in this industry are legitimate, products like VigRX can make a huge impact on all of these problems.
How long before I feel the results?
Provided you chose a quality product, you should start noticing results within the first couple weeks of using your supplement. You should notice an improvement in erection hardness and staying power, new levels of libido, and stronger, more pleasurable climaxes. As you continue with the pills over the next few months, these improvements will continue to grow, as longer and firmer erections begin to take shape. Although it varies from product to product, VigRX products usually reach their maximum benefits after 4 months.
Why are these formulas in pill form? Is it possible to get this type of product as a liquid?
It is important you take the correct amount, which is best accomplished by swallowing a pre-measured pill. Though there are some liquid products on the market, these require a dropper, teaspoon or cup, and it is more likely for you to take the wrong dosage. A new alternative is the transdermal patch that has just come onto the market - these are also great for administering the proper dosage.
I've read that the average penis size is 6 inches. What about men from other races or countries?
The Kinsey Report is one of the most complete studies of penis size to date. It states that the average white male has a penis measuring 6.2 inches long and 3.7 inches around, and the average black African male has a penis measuring 6.3 inches long and 3.8 inches around. This is a difference of only 0.1 inches, which is not statistically significant. Generally speaking there is no difference in penis size between different countries around the world.
How do these products compare with Viagra?
Penis enhancement supplements share some of the same benefits of Viagra, but they are in a league of their own. Unlike Viagra, they are all-natural herbal formulas with no side effects. They're available easily and discreetly without a prescription, and are safer than prescription drugs that have been linked to trouble among certain men with other pre-existing health concerns. Natural supplements are much more affordable than Viagra, both in cost alone and in the added expense of doctor's office visits.
How much do the male enhancement supplements cost?
Prices vary quite a bit, but the caveat "you get what you pay for" applies here. Reputable companies use very high quality ingredients and manufacture in superior pharmaceutical-grade facilities, and therefore their prices may be higher than other brands. VigRX is one that we feel meets the standards and is a good value for the price. It runs around $60 for a one month supply, but is much less expensive when purchased in larger quantities.
Do all companies guarantee their products?
No, many do not. In fact, some supplement manufacturers are substandard and others aren't around long enough for dissatisfied customers to ask for a refund. Unfortunately, these unscrupulous companies have given the public a negative perception of male enhancement products. To be sure of getting a good product, select a company that has been around for a while, and one that guarantees your satisfaction with a money-back promise. Only companies with excellent products and happy customers who order again and again can stay in this business for very long, which is why VigRX, being around for over 3 years, is here to stay.
Are there other ways to improve my sexual health?
Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement product can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.
Some other products you may be interested in include: MaxiDerm, Semenax, VigRX Oil, and GenF20.
About the Author
Olav writes for www.vigshop.biz where you can learn more about male enhancement products, supplements and other components necessary for good sexual health.
Infertility: Not Just A Womans Problem!
Infertility is the diminished or inability to conceive and have offspring and is also defined as the failure to conceive after a year or more of regular intercourse without using contraceptions. It Can be due to a single cause in either you or your partner, or a combination of causes that may prevent pregnancy from occurring or continuing.
In women it may be signaled by irregular menstrual periods or associated with conditions that cause pain during menstruation or intercourse. In older women it may be due to a higher risk of chromosome abnormalities that occur in their eggs as they age. It is not just a woman's concern and can occur in men from disorders of the testicles, or an abnormality affecting the hypothalamus or pituitary glands that produce hormones that control the testicles.
The most common causes of male infertility include abnormal sperm production or function, impaired delivery of sperm, conditions related to a man's general health and lifestyle, and overexposure to certain environmental elements. When sperm concentration is less than 5 million per milliliter of semen, genetic causes could be involved. Unknown causes account for approximately twenty percent or more of the cases. One-third of the problems are related to men and the remaining one-third is made up of a combination of fertility factors between the couple or unknown causes. Other causes of female infertility include blocked fallopian tubes, which can occur when a woman has had pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis. Some causes can not be determined or corrected.
Tests on a man may be done by a urologist and include semen analysis where the specimen is collected after 2 to 3 days of complete abstinence to determine volume and viscosity of semen and sperm count, motility, swimming speed, and shape. These tests attempt to determine whether any of these processes are impaired. For a woman to be fertile, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly, and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union. Ultimately, these tests are designed to help find out whether the problem is with the man, the woman, or both. Before you have tests, talk with your partner about how much testing you want to do. Sometimes you may not find out what causes infertility even after many tests, so it is important to know how many you want to try.
Without any treatment intervention, 15 - 20% of couples previously diagnosed as infertile will eventually conceive. Treatment depends on the cause, the duration of the problem, the age of the partners and their specific wishes and may include assisted reproductive technologies (ART). This type of treatment may include the following: artificial insemination which involves the placement of relatively large numbers of healthy sperm either at the entrance of the cervix or into the partner's uterus, bypassing the cervix, to have direct access to the fallopian tubes. Other treatments include medication or behavioral approaches.
Specific treatment for infertility will be determined by your physician based on your age, overall health, and medical history, extent of the disorder, cause of the disorder, your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies, expectations for the course of the disorder, your opinion or preference. Once a diagnosis is made, the specialist can work with you to determine the course of treatment.
Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year. Specific tests are done to help find out why a woman cannot become pregnant. Tests can cost a lot and cause stress. Infertility can affect social relationships and sexual functioning. Causes include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors. It is important for the couple to recognize and discuss the emotional impact that infertility has on them as individuals or together and to seek medical advice from their health care provider.
About the Author
Richard H. Ealom is the Author of this article and the creator of "Free Articles On Diseases: How To Prevent and Cure Them". Need more information Please visit our website @ http://rainydrops.com/a-infertility/infertility.php or http://rainydrops.com/alternative-orthodox.php
Latest Research: Excessive Drinking May Cause Male Infertility
Recent medical studies show that drinking more than four than four ounces of alcohol a day can be bad for the male reproductive system. Alcohol concentration depends on the kind of drink that is consumed. A bottle of beer or a glass of wine contains half an ounce of alcohol; excessive amounts of these drinks may harm the body and cause problems in one's sexual health and fertility.
Alcohol contains toxins that may harm the sperm-generating cells in the testicle. Such development may cause a decline in sperm quality and lead to infertility. In addition, alcohol may hamper liver function and a cause rise in estrogen levels, which may interfere with hormone levels and sperm development. Chronic alcoholism can cause atrophy in the testicles which may lead to low libido among men.
The toxicity of consuming excessive alcohol may also reduce sperm density or sperm count. The usual volume of a single ejaculate is three milliliter with about 130 million sperm cells per milliliter. Alcohol may cause a significant reduction in these figures. Alcoholic drinks may also cause abnormalities in sperm size, shape, tail, motility.
In addition to the effects of alcohol, high levels of lead are associated to people who drink alcohol. According to a study conducted at the University of California Berkeley, individuals who have high levels of lead may be at heightened risk of becoming infertile. Researchers found out that high levels of lead in semen were linked to low fertilization rates. In additional tests, they found out that lead may prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg.
Based on anecdotal evidence, excessive alcohol intake also affects sexual performance, and, as such, may indirectly affect a man's ability to engage in sex intended to cause pregnancy. While a glass of wine or champagne is usually associated with romance and the necessary prelude to sexual activity, inebriation or total drunkenness would surely interfere or prevent successful and satisfying sex.
Drinking alcohol in excess is not a good idea because it may cause many serious problems in one's life. If the alcohol abuse does not cause immediate problems, then excessive use of it over a long period of time can cause serious health problems in the end. Everyone deserves to relax if they want to, but excessive alcohol is a serious problem that should not be taken for granted. Relaxation should involve healthy routines and not short-term happiness or the â€Å“high†that alcohol provides. People who want to indulge in alcohol consumption should bear in mind that this drink is very addictive and should be taken only in moderation.
About the Author
DrugstoreTM.com is a reputable online drug store. From sexual health to a woman's health, sleeping aids to weight loss pills, our online pharmacy offers convenient customer access to various health medicines, including an array of health product and medicare prescription drug.
Increase Low Sperm Motility Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Right Things to Do
Erectile dysfunction can simply be defined as incapability of the men to have penis erection. The erection of male reproductive organ is very much required to perform sexual activities and is mandatory during the sexual intercourse. Flaccid penis cannot penetrate into the vaginal tract, result of which, is it impossible to have successful coitus.
Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is very much of concerned among men as man sexual health. The situation not only affects the sexual relationship but it can also ruin up one's self confidence and sexual act for him, becomes just a dream and never a real case! As the luck would have it, erectile dysfunction treatment is possible through various techniques, therapies and supplements.
Erectile dysfunction treatment comes in many forms. One can undergo male enhancement therapy that may include some male enhancing pills/capsules with some potential exercises and a particular diet pattern. As a part of erectile dysfunction treatment, one can also include some topical applications. Male enhancement applications come in the form of oil, cream, gel, lotion and even spray. They all are said to be good as erectile dysfunction treatment.
The products that come under male enhancement contain potential herbal extracts those have been timely tested and trusted as natural aphrodisiacs. The blend of such natural aphrodisiac herbal extracts deeply penetrates the penile structure and rejuvenates every cell that participates in getting the penis to erect. Regular usage of such male enhancement therapies, techniques or supplements as erectile dysfunction treatment can help overcoming issue of weak erection.
However, many holistic health care providers believe that along with such supplements and local applications, one should be also careful about the lifestyle and dietary pattern. One should avoid junk food, canned food, packed food and foods with preservatives and additives. They all may lead to malfunctioning of the reproductive system and so its organs, if consumed for a longer period. Instead, one should go for dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit juices and some aphrodisiac food cum herbs such as asparagus, onions, garlic, lady finger etc.
The herbs that help in overcoming issues of man sexual health such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido etc include Mucuna, Shilajit, Ginseng, Spirulina and many more. There are many holistic healing practitioners who use any one of them or go for some formula that contains all of natural herb as erectile dysfunction treatment. Since they are an all natural way to cure weak erection, nowadays, more and more men are resorting towards natural cure for erectile dysfunction rather than opting for some chemical pills i.e. modern medicines.
Proper usage of natural aphrodisiac herbs, unique dietary pattern and some useful exercises can make a man powerful in sexual activity. Sexual issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can be very well tackled. Special exercises such as Kegel Exercises are also said to be beneficial since it helps in developing the strength in pelvic muscles that ultimately help in sexual performance
About the Author
For more information visit Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Fixing Erectile Dysfunction at Natural Supplements
Impotence Treatment - How to Treat Sexual Impotency
Impotency can catch a man of any age and is generally the symptom of some underlying psychological or physical factor; moreover, it is equally essential to realize that there are many ways to be adopted as impotence treatment. Many properties, present in natural herbs, can fulfill the special requirement for men to cure male impotency.
Impotency, unfortunately, does not catch particular race only. It is one of the most common sexual ailments of male reproductive system. People generally believe that a man could either have harder erection or no erection at all! But the fact remains that in impotency, men's erections are either partially firm or they last for a very short duration. It has also been established based on many trials that in more than 80 per cent cases the problem is not psychological but biological.
Impotence treatment includes nourishing the male reproductive system and its organs. Fortunately, erectile dysfunction is treatable using some natural aphrodisiac herbs. One can get some formula that contains the blend of potential aphrodisiac herbal extracts in the form of pills or capsules. Regular consumption of such pills helps in treating male impotency.
One such herb is Ginseng that is known to cure many male sexual problems. The herb is particularly very helpful when male sexual problems are mainly because of mental stress. Ginseng is also reported help in reducing stress and enhancing the hormonal level. Herbs such as asparagus, mucuna, clove, ginger, piper, Indian gooseberry, shilajit and cinnamon can help overcoming male impotency or erectile dysfunction.
There are many health care providers who believe that mental therapy is equally important to treat man for his impotency. This is because over anxiety and stress may alter the man sexual hormones and give rise to male impotency. Ancient science like Ayurveda also believes that male impotency treatment may include the panchakarma that helps in rejuvenates male reproductive system and organs.
In case of male sexual hormone insufficiency, the hormonal supplements are to be prescribed. However, more and more men are now opting for natural or herbal therapy. For hormonal therapy, plant hormones have been successfully used as male impotency treatment. The plant hormones can be obtained when herbal extracts are used in some enhancement pills or capsules.
In some parts of the world such as Southeast Asian countries meditation, Chinese therapy and other alternative medicinal treatment such as acupressure/acupuncture have been successfully used to treat male impotency. Ancient holistic healing practitioners also believe that Pranayama and yogasana help in treating erectile dysfunction and so male impotency.
About the Author
For more information visit Impotence Treatment and Impotence Cure at Natural Supplements
3 Common Roadblocks to Conception
Fertility issues plague many families and they leave couples on a lifelong search for answers. In many cases, infertility is not caused by a medical issue. Instead, it is due to a behavior or a product that is used that can stand in the way of getting pregnant. When that is the case, simple changes can be made in order to improve the chances for conception. Every couple needs to look at the roadblocks for conception and see if there are any obstacles standing in their way.
Lubrication is one roadblock to conception that is incredibly common. Many couples use lubrication during intercourse, and instead of doing their research, they simply pick one of the popular lubricants on the market and use it. What they do not realize is many of the popular lubricants decrease sperm motility. When sperm motility is decreased, the chance of getting pregnant is also decreased. In many cases, people use lubrication they think is safe because it does not have a spermicide in it. However, studies have shown that simply avoiding spermicides is not enough.
Sandra Fryhofer, M.D., the Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine, stated, "Even if your lubricant doesn't contain a spermicide, it may contain other ingredients that can be toxic to sperm." Fryhofer went on to say many popular lubricants interfere with sperm motility, but there are lubricants on the market that are fertility friendly and do not interfere with motility. It is important for couples to use such lubricants so sperm motility will not be affected.
Another common roadblock to conception is weight. Women who are overweight or underweight can have trouble conceiving, and in many cases the fertility issues are not resolved until the woman gets near an ideal weight. In order to have a natural hormone balance, one must be close to their ideal weight. Weight alters the production of hormones, which in turn makes it much more difficult to get pregnant.
Keep in mind, a few extra pounds is not going to keep most women from conceiving. However, when extra weight starts to add up, there can be a problem. In addition, when a woman is drastically underweight, she can have a problem. In both cases, the menstrual cycle can be affected, as well as the overall health and hormonal balance of the woman. That is why it is suggested women start to get in shape before they try to have children. This will make it easier to conceive and it will also make the pregnancy easier.
Alcohol is another common roadblock to conception. In regards to alcohol, it can affect both the man and the woman. For men, chronic alcohol abuse can cause impotency and lack of interest in sex. In most cases, if men have sexual related problems that are caused by alcohol, it will be very obvious. However, for women, the problems are not always as obvious.
Women face a variety of alcohol related problems. According to a study published in the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism titled "Alcohol's Effects on Reproductive Function," alcohol has many adverse affects on the reproductive system of women. Alcohol can cause irregular menstrual cycles, absence of ovulation, and total infertility. It is important to note even women who only drink a small amount of alcohol can experience some of the problems.
Each woman is different, and each woman is affected by alcohol differently. Some women can drink small amounts of alcohol without any serious effects, while others simply cannot tolerate alcohol. In most cases, though, heavy alcohol consumption will have an adverse effect on the female reproductive system.
In many cases, fertility issues can be solved by simply changing certain products and behaviors. Lubrication, weight and alcohol consumption should all be examined if a couple is having difficulty conceiving. In many cases, simple changes lead to conception.
About the Author
Stephanie Berman is the product manager for Sepal Reproductive Devices. Sepal provides fertility solutions for women, including ConceivEase, a fertility friendly lubricant. For more information on Sepal or ConceivEase, visit them online at http://www.conceivease.com.
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Right Things to Do
Erectile dysfunction can simply be defined as incapability of the men to have penis erection. The erection of male reproductive organ is very much required to perform sexual activities and is mandatory during the sexual intercourse. Flaccid penis cannot penetrate into the vaginal tract, result of which, is it impossible to have successful coitus.
Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is very much of concerned among men as man sexual health. The situation not only affects the sexual relationship but it can also ruin up one's self confidence and sexual act for him, becomes just a dream and never a real case! As the luck would have it, erectile dysfunction treatment is possible through various techniques, therapies and supplements.
Erectile dysfunction treatment comes in many forms. One can undergo male enhancement therapy that may include some male enhancing pills/capsules with some potential exercises and a particular diet pattern. As a part of erectile dysfunction treatment, one can also include some topical applications. Male enhancement applications come in the form of oil, cream, gel, lotion and even spray. They all are said to be good as erectile dysfunction treatment.
The products that come under male enhancement contain potential herbal extracts those have been timely tested and trusted as natural aphrodisiacs. The blend of such natural aphrodisiac herbal extracts deeply penetrates the penile structure and rejuvenates every cell that participates in getting the penis to erect. Regular usage of such male enhancement therapies, techniques or supplements as erectile dysfunction treatment can help overcoming issue of weak erection.
However, many holistic health care providers believe that along with such supplements and local applications, one should be also careful about the lifestyle and dietary pattern. One should avoid junk food, canned food, packed food and foods with preservatives and additives. They all may lead to malfunctioning of the reproductive system and so its organs, if consumed for a longer period. Instead, one should go for dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit juices and some aphrodisiac food cum herbs such as asparagus, onions, garlic, lady finger etc.
The herbs that help in overcoming issues of man sexual health such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido etc include Mucuna, Shilajit, Ginseng, Spirulina and many more. There are many holistic healing practitioners who use any one of them or go for some formula that contains all of natural herb as erectile dysfunction treatment. Since they are an all natural way to cure weak erection, nowadays, more and more men are resorting towards natural cure for erectile dysfunction rather than opting for some chemical pills i.e. modern medicines.
Proper usage of natural aphrodisiac herbs, unique dietary pattern and some useful exercises can make a man powerful in sexual activity. Sexual issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can be very well tackled. Special exercises such as Kegel Exercises are also said to be beneficial since it helps in developing the strength in pelvic muscles that ultimately help in sexual performance
About the Author
For more information visit Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Fixing Erectile Dysfunction at Natural Supplements
Penis curvature--How it can be a problem and how SizeGenetics can help
Penis curvature is normal, and is considered part of standard human deviation. If you observe your fingers, you'll notice that probably not all ten of those are straight, either. It's just normal variation, just as it is normal for women's breasts to come in all different shapes and sizes or for women's vulvas to come in lots of different shapes, sizes and colors.
Normal penises can be erect at anything from about 30-45 degrees while there are boners that are stiff enough that the top of the penis almost touches the man's belly. Sometimes, penises will be erect in slightly different ways at different times, or at different stages in a man's life. Penis curvature normally develops simply from the organ's internal structures growing to unequal size, a condition that's quite common since every penis is built a little differently. A woman's vagina is highly flexible, so it's not likely that some degree of curvature in a penis will have any anatomical bearing on intercourse.
However, if your penis suddenly bends after being straight (especially if there is pain involved), or the bend is gradually getting worse, then you should go see a doctor that specializes in men's health (urologist). It could be Peyronie's disease, which occurs when fibrous tissue develops on the tunica albuginea (the lining of the erectile bodies of the penis). The exact cause of fibrosis is still not known.
The resulting fibrous tissue causes a bend to develop during erection that is painful and can make intercourse difficult or impossible. The condition affects around 388 of 100,000 men and mostly occurs among men between 40 and 60 years and older.
If you are dissatisfied with how your penis looks like, you can try the ground-breaking system being offered by Sizegenetics.com. This program is based on a combination of four different enlargement methods to promote penis enlargement from every angle possible. While every other program offers you these methods individually, SizeGenetics guarantees success by offering them all in one simple system, thus, giving you the maximum gains possible in the shortest period of time.
First, the use of a penis traction device triggers your penis's growth function. In order to adapt and adjust to this new force, your body begins to grow bulky, new tissue cells. This translates to an enormous increase in both the length and girth of your penis. Developed by the prominent Spanish urologist Dr. Eduardo A. Gomez de Diego, of Andrology Services, Andromedical Clinic, Madrid, Spain, the SizeGenetics device has been extensively researched and tested to ensure you of its safety and effectiveness. Furthermore, all results are permanent, and once you reach your desired length, the device never needs to be worn again.
The second step in the four-point program of SizeGenetics is the use of ProSolution Pills to enlarge your penis. These ProSolution capsules contain a special herbal formula and sexually-enhancing nutrients to help increase blood circulation to the penile region so enlargement can occur. Aside from increasing the size of your manhood, SizeGenetics also provides you with a way to increase your semen output and fertility by supplying you with VolumePills. The unique blend of ingredients of VolumePills will provide you with the nutrients needed to produce up to 500% more sperm. These ingredients were specifically combined to stimulate sperm and testosterone production in the testicles.
Lastly, included in your SizeGenetics package is access to Penis-Health.com, the only site to offer a researched, independently tested and doctor recommended penis enlargement exercises program. By faithfully following the series of exercises for a few minutes each day, you can make your penis reach its full potential.
For more information visit http://www.menconfidence.com/sizegenetics.html
About the Author
My goal, through my articles and my website http://menconfidence.com/ is to pass along a little knowledge I've gained along the way in my "quest" for penis enlargement and male enhancement.
Are Insulin Resistance and Diabetes the Same?
Diabetes is a condition that affects the way your body utilizes food for energy. Normally, the sugar you take in is digested and broken down to a simple sugar, known as glucose. The glucose then travels in your blood where it waits to enter cells to be used as fuel.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is what helps move the glucose into cells. A healthy pancreas adjusts the amount of insulin based on the level of glucose. However, if you have diabetes, this process breaks down, and blood sugar levels become too high. Insulin Resistance
On the other hand, insulin resistance is a silent condition that increases the chances of developing diabetes, and even heart disease. Becoming knowledgeable about insulin resistance is the first step you can take toward making lifestyle changes that will help you prevent diabetes and other health problems.
If a person is insulin resistant, their muscle fat and liver cells do not make proper use of insulin because the cells have a diminished ability to respond to the action of the insulin hormone. Because the pancreas tries to keep up with the demand for insulin by producing more, the process to do so becomes compromised and excess glucose builds up in the bloodstream, since the pancreas cannot keep up with the body's need for insulin. In essence many people with insulin resistance have high levels of blood glucose and high levels of insulin circulating in their blood simultaneously.
Studies have shown that more people with insulin resistance, go on to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years. However this can avoided if they lose 5 to 7 percent of their body weight--which is about 10 to 15 pounds for someone who weighs 200 pounds. Hence the importance of a daily exercise regimen; even if it is only a 30 minute walk per day, it helps. Insulin resistance can also occur in people who have type 1 diabetes. This is true especially if they those who are overweight.
Diabetes and Insulin Resistance are Not the Same, But are Related
In essence, diabetes and insulin resistance are not the same but yet are related. There are several factors that determine if one or the other is present in the body and the symptoms for each are slightly different, although you will find that some are the same. Thus the confusion that they are one and the same health challenge.
Symptoms Indicating Possible Risk of Insulin Resistance
1. Overweight 2. Waist bigger than your hips 3. Buttocks slightly bigger than normal
1. Overweight 2. Larger stomach
If you are overweight, have a waist that is bigger than your hips, are a woman whose buttocks are slightly bigger than normal, or if you are a man with a rather larger stomach, then you may be at risk for insulin resistance. These are a few of the symptoms of insulin resistance with the weight and waist issues being major reasons to consider your health.
No matter the level, it really is up to every individual to take charge of their health and learn to take more proactive measures to healthier living.
About the Author
Diana Walker, Sunrider Leader, Cravings Coach and CEO of Diana's Healthy Lifestyleshttp://www.diana2.com provides natural, safe options for creating vibrant health. Free education at http://www.thecravingscoach.com
Men's Reproductive Health: Homeopathy Has a Place
Let's consider three of the most valuable homeopathic remedies for this important issue that may occur in a man's life.
Caladiura is a remedy of repute that has been used for the inability to perform in relation to a man's mental state. The key to determining the choice of this remedy is the sufferer's demeanor. He is often one who experiences mental depression along with impotence and the new problem is met with a deepening of this depression. The remedy Selenium has been shown to be of greatest value when the man experiences weakness after coition. This may not happen every time, but more commonly occurs after excesses. Accompanying the exhaustion, there may also be prostate problems such as urine and seminal loss.
Agnus castus is reputed to be of value for men as they age and is noteworthy when the desire has been lost or impotence is a problem. Premature old age, where the genitalia are cold, is a characteristic that historically points to the need for this remedy. Often, there is a history of an excessive sexual appetite earlier in life, but, in later years, is missing. There may be accompanying anxiety and despair, particularly about health issues and especially his ability. Memory and mental dullness may also be present. A collapsed or broken down state that occurs after overindulgence in alcohol, drugs or in sexual matters may also be present in men who will benefit from this remedy.
Lycopodium is a fine remedy of repute in men's health. When sexual dysfunction accompanies a lack of confidence though there is an increased desire, this remedy can be considered. This situation can be particularly trying in old men who marry young wives and are impotent as a result of their age. There is often a corresponding abdominal bloating and distention that may be distressful after eating. Gurgling, gas and belching are also a problem for this man. Homeopathy is whole medicine that is chosen for each person on an individual basis. The correct remedy will stimulate the person's natural healing response to bring the body back to balance and heal itself. No drugs of questionable safety, no regular repeated use. Just a return to simple old fashioned well being so that the problem simply doesn't exist.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
About the Author
Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)298 Ashland AveBuffalo, NY 14222Homeopathy WebsiteVisit my Homeopathy Blog
How to Compare Penis Enlargement Pills
However, there are a wide variety of products on the market today. Each one of them guarantees favorable results. So how do you compare penis enlargement pills? What is the specific criteria that you need to use to determine the effectiveness of each product. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on the dilemma of how to compare these pills so that you can find something that will work for you.
The Ingredients
The first step to comparing these pills is by looking at the substances that make up each product. For health reasons, it's best to go with products that have natural ingredients in them. Be on the lookout for specific components that may be detrimental to your health. Some researchers have uncovered harmful contaminants in some products that are available on the market. Be wary of brands that you're not really familiar with. Some shady manufacturing companies sell penis enlargement pills that contain mold, yeast, pesticides and even lead.
FDA approval
Again, for safety reasons, make sure that the pills that you're considering are FDA approved. This would assure you that they are made from only the safest ingredients. Many products offered on the Internet have not been analyzed by the FDA so there's no assurance that they will not harm you or your penis in any way.
The best ones on the market would promise a 30% increase in your penis length (in flaccid and erect states). Unfortunately, everyone of those pills would probably claim the same thing. The best way to find out how true their claims are is by looking at how long it would take for you to get that result. If the pills guarantee results in "just a couple of weeks", they're probably bogus.
More than making your penis grow larger than normal, your pills should enhance your sexual performance. You should experience stronger and more powerful erections. At this point you're going to need to observe if your performance has improved after taking the pills
Increased Sexual Appetite
Again, your penis enlargement pills should do more than what they are literally supposed to do. Look for products that discuss increased sexual stamina, and longer and harder erections.
Side Effects
You should not experience any negative side-effects, even short-term ones. You can find this out by searching for the specific ingredients of the product on the Internet and verify the possible side effects of ingesting these substances.
How long the product has been on the market?
Usually, established brands in penile enhancement have been on the the market for quite some time now. Check out the track record of each manufacturer. Have they been subjected to FDA inquiry for suspicious substances in their products? The ads will not tell you about the bad sides of these companies so it's always best to research further from what their websites tell you.
The Manufacturer
Another criterion that you may want to use to compare penis enlargement pills is with regards to the reputation of the manufacturer. Did the pills come from a company that has a substantial reputation for providing high-quality products?
Money-Back Guarantee
You should have the assurance that in case they don't work for you, you'll be able to get a refund. Check for money-back guarantee clauses.
Forums and Review Sites
The best way to compare these supplements is to research various websites and forums online. These can provide you up to date information on what other people think about the products you're considering. To Get An In Depth Review About Several Different Penis Enlargement Pills, Check Out The Site Below.
About the Author
Don't Waste Your Money On Dangerous Penis Enlargement Surgery or Expensive Prescription Pills Extagen Capsules Are An All Natural Easy-To-Take Supplement Pill That Will Give You Results Or Your Money Back! Order Yours Today http://www.extagen1.com