
The Myths About Male Virility and the 21st Century

Sperm counts are on the decrease. There's no two ways about it, our lifestyle changes over the past 50 years have caught up with us.
We have managed to genetically modify the way our body's create sperm. A diet high in all the wrong things is without doubt the cause of this change in sperm production worldwide.
Too much alcohol, sugars, processed foods and most importantly not enough water have all contributed to lowering sperm counts on a global scale.
With that information alone, we can already try to help change our ways on a one to one personal level. Increasing the intake of Nuts which are rich in selenium will aid a better reproductive system and drinking the minimum 2 Liters of water per day will help those tadpoles swim with ease.
The use of miracle drugs to increase virility is not one to be taken lightly. Always consult your physician before taking any form of medicine and always ensure that the pills are approved by the FDA or your local Governmental health department.
Our life style changes have also had a rapid effect of our virility and sex lives. Fast foods and other unhealthy body inputs have relieved us of the energy needed to enjoy our sex lives to the fullest. A diet rich in green vegetables and occasional red meats cooked with little to no oil leave all the goodness in the foods and can be rapidly absorbed by the body. We find time for everything else but never for our temple.
Don't ignore your body\'s alerts until it is too late. You will reap what you sow and each and every male needs to take a close look at the way they live their lives earlier on to avoid problems down the line.

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