
Mens Sexual Dysfunction... Male Infertility

To be infertile means to be unable to beget children. From the medical standpoint, a couple is considered to be infertile if there has been no pregnancy after one to one-and-half years of unprotected sexual intercourse. For the fertility process to proceed smoothly, both the man and the woman should be healthy and normal.
Traditionally (and very wrongly), it is the woman who is always blamed when a couple can't have a child. The investigation for infertility begins and ends with evaluation of the wife alone. Thus, a woman is often subjected to a D & C, laparoscopy etc. only to be told at the end of it all that everything is normal. It is not uncommon, in fact, for a man to divorce, not one but several wives under the mistaken (and chauvinistic) belief that she alone is responsible for the "barrenness". Needless to say such men do not beget children even after several marriages !!
Approximately 15-20 percent of all cohabiting couples are infertile. Of these, in up to 50 percent of cases it is the male factor or the husband who is responsible for the infertility.
This means that nearly 7.5 to 10 percent of all men in the reproductive age group are infertile i.e. incapable of fathering children. This, by any yardstick, is a stupendous figure but one that very few know about.
It is important to note that infertility and impotence are quite different entities. Failure to discern the difference between the two is a needless cause of embarrassment to most men who stay away from andrology clinics because of the stigma that goes with the latter term.
Impotence means an inability to attain or sustain erections for satisfactory sexual intercourse.
The term has no bearing whatsoever on the fertility status of the man. It is thus possible for a totally impotent man to be potentially fertile and it will be possible to produce a pregnancy in the wife of such a man by insemination of the husband's semen.
Infertility, on the other hand, means an inability to produce children. This usually results from the husband's semen being infertile or sub-fertile. Most infertile men are perfectly normal in terms of potency and have very satisfactory sexual relations with their partners.
The first test in the evaluation of the infertile male is the semen analysis. This test is inexpensive, easy to perform and gives valuable information.
A perfectly normal semen analysis report generally precludes a significant male factor component and investigation and treatment should be more appropriately targeted at the wife. In fact, in many countries, the first test in the evaluation of an infertile couple is the semen analysis. This is generally performed before any tests are conducted on the wife.
Often, in the case of male infertility, the semen analysis is abnormal. Either the count is low (oligospermia) or sperms are altogether absent in the ejaculate (azoospermia).
Sometimes, sperm motility is seriously affected (asthenospermia) and sometimes the sperms are totally immobile or dead (necrospermia). There are many other anomalies that one may find on semen analysis.
When one finds anomalies in the semen analysis, the next step is to try and find a cause for it. To do this, one must perform additional investigations. Some of the other tests that may need to be performed are a semen culture, anti-sperm antibody estimation, scrotal ultrasound, hormonal assays, karyotyping, vasography etc..
Treatment of male infertility is difficult and sometimes frustrating. Immediate results are hard to produce and persistence with therapy is required.

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1 comment:

  1. I am here to thank a great man who cured my husband of AZOOSPERMIA (ZERO SPERM COUNT) his name is Dr. Uduehi. My husband suffered zero sperm count for a long time. He felt useless or depressed most time especially when we wants to make out because he knows there would be no results. So, one day I confide in a friend about our predicament and she gave me Dr. Uduehi’s contacts, I contacted him and he administered his medication and after my spouse took the medicine he started experiencing sperm although it was little at the beginning but it kept increasing until he got me pregnant after 13 years of marriage. You too can be cured also he treats any kind of male infertility. Reach him through: uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384
