
Raw Food Health Solutions for Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections and Raw Foods
Usually called UTIs for short, these are uncomfortable and embarrassing and because women are anatomically different from men in the way they pass urine, women are more likely to experience this than men.
What are Urinary Tract Infections?
This is what we call an infection in any part of the urinary system that comprises the kidneys, bladder and tubes between them and the urethra or vulva that allows the urine to pass out of the body. Like so many embarrassing ailments, this usually afflicts women more than men. This is because the man's penis takes the urine further away from the body. 60% of women have a UTI at some time in their life. UTIs can be painful in passing urine and you need to so often when you have this.
How are they Caused?
UTIs are caused when bacteria get into the urinary tracts, which can happen, via the urethra or the anus. It can happen as a result of how the bottom is wiped about defecating or from contamination during sex.
Lifestyle Changes to Make
General advice regarding the urinary tract would be to go to the toilet when you need to go no matter how often, rather than holding it in. Also, make sure you urinate shortly after sex to flush away any bacteria that might have entered the urethra. Regular washing of the nether regions daily and before sex is advised plus wiping your bottom from front to back to avoid contamination from the anus. Contamination from the anus is more prevalent with constipation so cut down this risk by increasing the fibre in your diet.
As UTIs can be caused by bacteria in the vagina being pushed into the urethra any excess rubbing in this area from say tight jeans, can cause it to happen so try to wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes. Avoid perfumed toiletries around the vagina.
Raw Foods that will Help
Apart from drinking lots of water to flush through the system, many people nowadays swear by cranberry juice and cranberry extract. It is important to check the label though because it should be 100% cranberry. The cranberry acidifies the urine and prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. Take 8ounces three times a day as treatment.
Other raw foods that should be included in the diet if you have a UTI or tendency to get it are:
* Garlic * Parsley * Onions * Ginger * Chili peppers (high in Vitamin A and C for fighting infection) * Radishes * Water chestnuts * Hops
Another painful and embarrassing ailment that women endure but thanks to the cranberry; and, with an additional support cast of raw foods in our kitchen we can reduce the incidence of this and ease the effects.

To your health,


About the Author
Tried.Tasted.Served Mission Statement
Our mission is clear and straightforward. We want to bring the most accurate, high-quality and well-researched information about Raw and Living Food and Sustainable Living. Achieving good health should be easy and accessible for everyone and we want to make it easier for you to have access to it. The more we know, the more we can take charge of our life and take steps towards a healthier one!

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